Last week, twenty boy scouts and ten adult leaders packed into two 15-passenger vans and a couple other vehicles to make the two-day journey from Waco, Texas to Lake George, Colorado. The destination was a fantastic summer camp owned by BSA known as Camp Alexander. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned, but that's a long story...
I think we stopped at least every two hours for sugary drinks, candy, and/or urination breaks. I brought a new package of ear plugs, not only to help me sleep, but to calm my nerves in the van. It's a good thing, too, because I somehow selected the "noisy" van - it was the one with the younger guys.
In the Texas panhandle, wind farm developers have capitalized on the abundant wind resource there, and are building lots of wind power plants. Perhaps not surprisingly, I was the person most interested in these out of all 30 of us. I snapped these pictures out of the van window.
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