Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Marrow Donation Part 6

I finished my donation activities today - now we just have to sit and wait to see if the patient responds well. This type of transplant has a 50/50 chance. Not to minimize the seriousness of his condition, but I felt the need to celebrate with another poem, this time, a limerick.

Donation: Middle-Aged Fat Guy
For hours, made on his back lie
His blood has the goods
To shouldn't the shoulds
To blue the otherwise black sky

Frankly, I'm quite impressed with myself, but then again, that doesn't take much. I again invite all three of my readers to post their own (clean) limerick on the topics of cancer, blogging, or what ever strikes your fancy.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

The was an old man of the isles

Who suffered severely from pisles

He couldn’t sit down

Without a deep frown

So he had to row standing for misles.


P.S. I accidently posted this in the wrong spot the first time.