Monday, June 23, 2008

Sid Richardson Scout Ranch

This week I am attending Sid Richardson Scout Ranch somewhere north west of Fort Worth, Texas, with my son D and his boy scout troop. Yes, I brought my laptop. But no, it's not because I am a workaholic. It is because I leave for Honduras two days after I get back! We'll be gone for seven weeks, so there is lots of preparation to do - even if you have to do some of it from boy scout camp the week before.

D is learning first aid, archery, swimming, and perhaps rifle shooting. He is having lots of fun, though it is blazing hot.
I am writing from the "Scoutmaster's Saloon" which is an unairconditioned room with crude tables, chess boards, and oh yeah, a wireless internet connection! There are seven of us middle aged boy scout leaders with laptops, laughing at each other. We're like a bunch of ants swarming over a piece of dropped candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the pictures coming! I sure do miss my boys. So much! Have a great time honey. I'm proud of you for investing in our son and the development of his character. You are a blessing to all of us!

The M