The boys saved up there money and bought a Wii over the Thanksgiving holiday. I was resistant. I know what happens. I had heard the interviews of the successful children of immigrants and how they attributed their perfect SAT scores to not playing video games like their slacker peers. I don't want my kids to numb their minds on interminable hours of graphic violence and thinly veiled sexual innuendo. I had already made up my mind regarding video games and was firmly convinced that they are a plot to rot the minds of American children by Japanese executives bent on world domination.
But then I tried it.
It's kinda fun! The Wii system came with "Wii Sports" which has bowling, golf, tennis, boxing, and baseball games. The boys loved it, and I too took pleasure from the crack of the bat; the vibrating, noise-making remote; and the blood thirsty pounding of armless boxing matches. What have I become? Sore, that's what. And a Wii bit less judgemental.
All this Wii tennis and Wii boxing and Wii baseball has left me Wii-ly wiped. I think I pulled a Wii hamey. I got Wii tennis elbow. I am pathetic.
Don't feel bad, PT. I definitely got some serious Wii Tennis elbow last time I played one.
You are a Wii bit sarcastic in this blog and a Wii bit too hard on yourself:-) glad you enjoyed it! We've resisted too - and so far still don't have one.
It's a great carrot for our child behavior motivational system.
If they're respectful and responsible, they get Mario Kart time. If not, no Wii.
hahahahahahahaha!! Not to mention the SORE leg I had from doing 23 squats on one side while bowling! Even if I did beat the whole family (I am the master bowler) :). Love the post honey!!
The M
Someday you'll look back and wish you had just kept it at the pogo. :)
But then I've never tried a Wii. Because I KNOW they're addictive. Blogging is bad enough.
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