Monday, September 21, 2009

We Won It!

Our Honduran company, Energía Para Aldeas, is one of 21 winners of the Energy Innovation Contest sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank. Over 1000 applications were submitted and yet we made it! "The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases." Surely God's hand was upon us. We are so grateful to be able to join Him in what He is already doing in Honduras!

Our great partner in this endeavor is the Asociación Hondureña de Pequeños Productores de Energía Renovable which, in English, is the Honduran Association of Small Producers of Renewable Energy. They are a natural partner for us, having legal and environmental expertise in small renewable energy systems in Honduras.


Q: I thought your company was called Village Energy Inc. (VEI)?
A: Energía Para Aldeas is the Honduran company owned by the VEI, the U.S. company. Energía Para Aldeas, or EPA, means "Energy for Villages". Neither company is actually incorporated at this point, on account of we need some money. But both have a web presence, which makes us practically legit.

Q: Is Ryan moving to Honduras?
A: Yes. As soon as we can get him there. Hopefully he will be there by Thanksgiving, which is like, half an hour later than Thanksgiving in the U.S..

Q: Are you allowed to use the grant money to buy refried beans?
A: No, sadly.


Melanie said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Greg said...

Awesome! Congratulations!

David_Fait said...

That is terrific!

Paul said...

Congratulations! I hope all works better than planned.

Thistlerose said...

yaaaay! felicidades!

Brian Ballard said...

So glad to hear this!